Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Experience At "The Fourth Annual National Lifestyle Bloggers Conference 2014"

On March 28 and 29 of 2014, I had the opportunity to participate and meet extraordinary bloggers on "The Fourth Annual National Lifestyle Bloggers Conference" #LALLBLOG2014 that took place in Los Angeles, thanks to a fellow colleague and friend. This event, was organized by the founder of Latina Lifestyle Bloggers, Ana Lydia Monca.  

"The Fourth Annual Lifestyle Bloggers Conference & Bloggers Junket" was a two-day, one-track conference focused on business development and growth for bloggers.

"How To Create A Digital Strategy To Promote And Grow Your Blog/Online Business" With Panelists Stacey Kivel, John Urquiza and Calvin Lee

Unfortunately, I was able to participate in only one panel and it was called "How To Create A Digital Strategy To Promote And Grow Your Blog/ Online Business" led by Stacey Kivel, John Urquiza and Calvin Lee. Thanks to this panel, I had the opportunity to learn different strategies to help me promote my blog, help it grow and be more visual for the audience and clients, which I have started to put on practice.

But definitely, the best part happened after the panel finished speaking and we had a break. During the break we had delicious cupcakes brought by  "A Sweet Design".  This cupcakes were delicious!

Cupcakes and sweets brought by "A Sweet Design"

This is a great conference to attend and I recommend it, if you are a blogger who is beginning and is a female lifestyle blogger.  I will definitely take the time to participate on next year "National Lifestyle Bloggers Conference" and take advantage of all the panels, to make my blog more successful.  

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