Monday, June 24, 2013

Got the Suspense and the Thrill I looked for with "World War Z"

Even though is very nice to see Brad Pitt in the big screen, because with all due respect he is hot, I love the way he acts in all the projects he had worked on during his career as an actor.  He can be vulnerable,  a hero, a villain, a lead man, a hit man, a family man and more and he does a great job. In "World War Z" he plays a husband and father that retired from his job as a United Nations employee called Gerry Lane, but when the zombie virus pandemic threatens on destroying the human race to extinction, he is called back to traverse the world and find a way to stop it.

Around the first 10 minutes of the movie is stress free, but after that is suspense, action and thriller all the way till the end of the movie and I felt that I was actually on a race against time with Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) to stop the zombie pandemic.  I can't deny that the visual effect of the zombies in parts of the film they didn't look very real, you can actually see is visual effect, but other than that for me it was actually very good and I got out of the theater without being disappointed.

World War Z is now on theaters.  I give it a 8 out of 10.

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