Friday, June 22, 2012

Who had watched the new music video of Katy Perry "Wide Awake"?

I just did today and I loved it.  Why? Because for me, it tells me never to lose who I am or where I come from, regardless of what other people wants me to be or pretend me to be.

So the question you need to ask yourself, Is it worth it? Is it worth, to change who you are, your goals, your believes, your whole self just to make that person happy or all that people who tells you what's supposedly the best for you?

To be honest, for me it's a big NO,  it's ok to listen for advice or change some things for the person we love or knowing,  but at the end, it's only us who decides what's best for us.  I know this may be corny or cheesy, but you need to listen your little voice inside, me for example, when I feel a weird feeling on my stomach, I say, ok this is not right for me, because I'm sure I'll regret it afterwards.

It was interesting, that during the beginning of the video which is themed as a fairy tale, Katy Perry is walking through a maze with a lantern and she seems scared, not knowing where to go, she sees this strawberry and she eats it.  For me, it reminded me of "mua", because that's how I feel at this moment of my life, I'm walking in the dark with this little light, scared and trying to figure out where I'm going and even though the strawberries are starting to appear in front of me, it makes me think once I eat them my life could completely change, which makes me think, I'm I ready for it?

One of my favorite scenes of the video is when Katy Perry stops the walls around her and a light comes out from her which for me represents courage, strength and saying it's enough and I think it's something a lot of us go through in life, but it's you who decides when it's enough and move on.

Also it was interesting, when during the music video she encounters "herself" when she was a little girl, it's like the wake up call, because it reminded her, of who she is or what she wants to be, regardless of everything that's happening around her and that gives her the strength to keep on going, to keep on fighting, because she can't lose that sense of reality and that's something you can't let go, you can't stop fighting, even if you want to stop, but you can't, you need to find that strength and keep up the fight, especially when negative people say, you can't make it, tell them bullshit(of course in a nicer way) and demonstrate them that they are wrong and you can do it.

But the part I loved was, when suddenly she sees "Prince Charming" on his white horse (which reminded me of the fairy tales, we girls hear when we are kids and we grow up always waiting for him to come and save us) and she hits him with a punch on his face, when she discovers that he crosses his fingers behind his back, while promising, I suppose his eternal love and its not truth.  But that's the reality of life and you encounter those type of guys on your path, but it's on you to make sure to stand up and value yourself and know that you don't need no prince charming to save you, that you are strong enough to acomplish all you want without needing them.

So, this is my analysis of this video, I think it's on you to make out the best of your life and have the courage to make decisions, that even though they are scary, if your gut tells you to do it, do it, at the end, I suppose you will feel right about it.  Also, be able to say ENOUGH or STOP, when you feel overwhelmed of people telling you what or not to do, IS YOUR LIFE!!  But never, ever forget who you are or where you came, that's what will mantain you on reality and your feet on the ground.

Below, the music video of Katy Perry "Wide Awake"

Peace and love,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A nosotros los latinos nos encantan las cosas gratis?

Yo creo que sí, que ustedes piensan?

Por lo que he visto en los pasados eventos latinos que he trabajado, hacen unas filas para ganar o obtener una bolsa, camiseta, botellas, lápices entre otros, es increíble y gracioso y ahora te digo porqué.

En los eventos latinos que he trabajado, he recibido todo tipo de persona: el que se conforma con lo que se ganó, el que te reclama que es trampa cuando no gana lo que quiere, el que se quiere pasar de listo, el del "ay bendito, pero yo quería la camiseta", el que hace la fila una y otra vez con el solo propósito de ganarse la chaqueta y no puede faltar el tramposo (éste último puede sacarte un poquito de quicio, ya que es increíble que se pongan insoportables por una mendiga chaqueta).

El último evento en el que trabajé, fue en Huntington Park.  Nuestro premio mayor era una bolsa, la cual por medio de una ruleta rusa, el público buscaba la oportunidad de ganársela.  Fueron varias ocasiones, en las que cuando no ganaban la bolsa decían "ay, pero yo quiero la bolsa, me podría dar la bolsa en vez" yo les decía "no puedo, porqué si se la doy a usted, se la tendré que dar a todos los demás" y una señora me dice "pero no se van a dar cuenta" y no es cierto, si se dan cuenta.

Mi amiga, que es un pan de Dios y también ayudó en el evento, le dio la bolsa a un señora, que hizo la fila en varias ocasiones y cuando hizo ese bonito gesto, una señora que también estaba haciendo la fila, la ve y le dice "eso no es justo, ella no ganó la bolsa, si se la das a ella, me la deberías dar a mí también" y mi amiga muy astutatamente para calmarla le dice "es que ella ya lo ha intentado varias veces y además se registró en nuestro website, si se registra yo le doy la bolsa" y así hizo la señora.  Mi amiga después de esta situación, descartó regalar más bolsas y  solo las daba cuando verdaderamente la ganaban.

Es divertido trabajar en estos eventos, porque conoces todo tipo de personajes, pero a la verdad que les encantan las cosas gratis!!! Tanto así,  que a la mayoría de los que veía, cargaban con un sin número de cosas en las manos, en los coches y en dónde podrían caber, pero mi pregunta es, que harán luego con todas esas cosas?

Quién sabe, pero yo soy en parte igual, también me gustan las cosas gratis, pero voy por lo que verdaderamente voy a utilizar y no hago fila para jugar ningún juego, no soy paciente en hacer filas, a mí, que me las den en el momento jajaja

Como decimos en Puerto Rico, "Cada loco con su tema" así, que si eres de los que les encanta jugar la ruleta o cualquier juego bien por ti, pero acuérdate,  cuando los que trabajamos en esos eventos no te damos lo que quieres, no es que no querámos, es que no podemos, pero tal vez, si lo dices de forma bonita, podríamos cambiar de opinión.

Paz y amor,

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman Review

"Snow White and The Huntsmen" trailer, made me want to watch the movie since it  promised me action and a kick ass Snow White, for my surprise it was just a little action and a whining with no personality or strong Snow White.  

To be honest if it wasn't for Charlize Thernon, that movie would had been for me just a blah, she was great as the evil witch.  On the other hand, Kirsten Stewart for me, didn't give me what I was expecting of this strong, kick ass Snow White, I saw on the trailer, instead she reminded me of Bella in "Twilight" always the damsel in distress waiting for her vampire and wolf to come for her rescue all over again.  She didn't deliver a heroine at all, she was always scared, no personality, whining, it was the same rythm of acting, for me she was just BLAH!!! she was just a dot on the movie.  

Instead of calling it "Snow White and the Huntsmen", they should had called it "The Evil Witch", because from the movie, the only memorable character is Charlize Thernon and that's it.  The special effects are also really good, but no more than that.

So guys, you had been warned, I would give it a C-, because it has good special effects and it's entertaining, but if you are expecting a lot of action and a female heroine, that won't happen, it's like if you are watching a girl scared, whining and seems contipated all the time.

Peace and Love,